I'm Considering Raised Bed Gardening This Year – Why is it so popular? Good question! Whether you grow flowers or vegetables, people are totally into raised beds for a variety of reasons. Start thinking about it now and do some research on purchasing one of the...
Grow It – Enjoy It – Eat It (All from Home)
We all learned a lot of lessons in 2020, including what to do and what not to do when faced with disruptions in our normal way of life. Being more self reliant has become essential to many folks looking for a little peace of mind and the easiest, most affordable and...
Discovering Your Inner Farmer!
Cold weather crops allow you to feed your "inner farmer" without worrying about frost. C'mon. We ALL have an inner farmer, don't we? Just a few veggies in a container? I thought so! Read on and pick out your favorite vegetables for safe planting this month... The...
Join the Sewing Circle
The EJC Sowing Circle is an unofficial group of patrons who prefer to sow their vegetables and flowers from seed. There are lots of benefits to indoor sowing, including providing a fun and rewarding task for an often-dreary winter day. When you start seeds this...
Planting and Growing Herbs in the Fall & Winter
We have the best selection of herbs in the area and can't wait to show them off to you! Come pick up your favorites - whether you're growing them indoors or out, we have everything you need (and we do mean EVERYTHING) to successfully grow herbs for cooking, for...
Add Flavor to Your Life and Your Cooking with Herbs
Herbs are more popular than ever as more and more folks turn their attention to self-sustenance. There are centuries old medicinal herbs and cooking herbs to spice up almost any entree or side dish you can imagine! We're please to tell you that our selection of...
Second Harvest, Second Chance
The great news is that you can still plant vegetables in Late August or September through November! If you missed out on spring planting entirely, now is your second chance to reap some yummy vegetable harvests this year. Before planting your Fall crops, refresh the...
Enjoy a Bounty of Blueberries
We're in love with blueberries! So many health benefits and SO easy to grow, even in containers. So how can you begin growing your own berries for future picking, instead of having to settle for grocery store goods? Easy! Become a blueberry...
Harvest Time
Pick summer veggies on a regular basis. Beans, squash, okra, and others grow tough and/or bitter if left on the plant too long. Prime picking time is first thing in the morning. Read more about harvesting summer vegetables... Picking snap beans is a two-handed job -...
July Vegetables
Plenty of yummy easy vegetables can be planted this month including lettuce! See what else you should plant now... Some of the most popular veggies for July planting include bush beans - they germinate quickly in warm soil and will produce heavily in late...
You’re In the South! Say To-MAY-to!
Nobody appreciates a great tomato like we Southerners do, and nobody GROWS a great tomato like Evergreen of Johnson City customers. We have hundreds of plants, dozens of different kinds, and the strongest healthiest tomato plants everywhere. Plus great prices to...
Plant Your Own Vegetable Bar
You can still plant cool-hardy veggies like spinach, lettuce, onions, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, garlic, asparagus, potatoes, strawberries and lots, lots more. And now that our frost-free date has passed, you can plant more tender veggies like tomatoes, peppers,...
Raise the Bed
Whether you're growing flowers or vegetables, raised bed gardening is a terrific option that scads of people are taking of advantage of these days! Naturally, EJC has everything you need to make your raised garden a success! Big rows of vegetables are just not an...
Your Backyard Salad Bar
(Or front yard, for that matter) This month, you can safely plant the ingredients for a delicious, healthy salad right in your own yard - or container! Not only is it fun and rewarding, but it's a lot cheaper than buying everything at the grocery too! Lettuce -...
Strawberry Fields Forever
Late March is the ideal time for planting strawberries for a sweet juicy harvest! Strawberries should be planted late this month to give them time to become well established before summer sets in. Keep in mind they need full sun in order to thrive, and do especially...
The Parade of Veggies Starts Now
Cold weather veggie plants are ready to go in the ground (or container) right now. It's their nature to not only withstand the cold, but become even tastier due to it! Find out which veggies you can and should plant today, whether you're putting a few in a container...
Veggies for Late Fall Harvest
September is not too late to plant some of your favorite fall vegetables for a late-fall harvest! You can still plant veggies like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts in September, but PLANT THEM ASAP! Keep in mind, though, that because they require...
Become an Herb Gardener
Keep harvesting your herbs this month, especially tender ones like basil. If you don't already have an herb garden, this is a terrific month to get one started! Our selection includes hundreds of varieties of strong, healthy herb plants for growing indoors and out. ...
The Art of Growing Fruit Trees
There really is an art to growing fruit trees - and it's one that more and more folks are coming to Evergreen of Johnson City for guidance with. Like most things, it is easy when you know what you're doing and that's what we're here for! It is satisfying, rewarding...
Growing Bountiful Berries
Berries are ripe for the picking this time of year! Don't have your own berry crop this year? NOW is the time to plan for your own fresh berries picked right from your backyard. Delicious, juicy, versatile and affordable, too - on top of all that, berries are actually...
Keep the Veggies Coming
Cool season vegetables are on their way out, so keep the dinner table full with warm season veggies you can plant today! Here are some great warm-season veggies you can plant and some tips on growing a bumper crop! In addition to that summer classic Tomatoes (click...
Growing Great Tomatoes
Our veggie experts have come up with some basic tips for growing great tomatoes, whether you are growing one or two plants in containers or a whole garden full, and whether you are growing tiny "Tommy Toe" tomatoes or big beefsteaks! (Be sure to wait until after our...