Your Backyard Salad Bar

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(Or front yard, for that matter)

This month, you can safely plant the ingredients for a delicious, healthy salad right in your own yard – or container!  Not only is it fun and rewarding, but it’s a lot cheaper than buying everything at the grocery too!

  • Lettuce – Growing lettuce requires only fertile soil, ample sunlight & a good supply of moisture and nutrients like those found in  Espoma Garden Tone.  Also, sprinkle on organic Natural Guard Diatomaceous Earth for pesky snails and slugs that love lettuce.
  • Onions – Plant no more than 1″ deep in soil and enrich the soil with lots of compost!
  • Chives – An easy-to-grow plant that will spread like crazy, which is great if you like lots of them! If not, removing the blooms before they germinate is key.
  • Beets – Make sure the soil has a high phosphorous content, they are planted in full sun, get about 1″ of water each week.
  • Carrots – Baby carrots will be ready to harvest in about 8 weeks. Full size carrots need about 10 weeks.
  • Radish – Lots of sun and fertile soil are essential.  Radishes are easy and FAST to grow – you should be able to add them to your salad in about four weeks!

Got questions about other Spring growing veggies or veggies you are currently growing? Just contact us and one of our experts will gladly help you!


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