
Home » Summer
Deadhead: A Grateful Dead fan or Garden Ritual?

Deadhead: A Grateful Dead fan or Garden Ritual?

Both, actually!  Putting Jerry Garcia aside for the moment, deadheading in your garden is an essential but simple task that results in more and better blooms  for your flowers. The reasoning behind why deadheading is so effective is simple.  When a flower that has...

Don’t Let It bug You

Don’t Let It bug You

There's nothing like sitting out on the porch on a summer evening, listening to the not-so-relaxing sound of "Buzz/Ow/Slap.....Buzz/Ow/Slap!" As the temps start heating up this month, outside insects will become even more frequent visitors.  So surround your porch,...

Summer Watering – Trees & Shrubs

Summer Watering – Trees & Shrubs

As summer temperatures set in, it is important to remember to provide adequate water to any trees and shrubs still in their first two growing seasons. New plantings at this time of year should be watered as follows: Deeply water at planting For the first two weeks,...

Planting Like a Pro

Planting Like a Pro

There are certain specific steps our experts here at EJC take to ensure a successful planting! Whether it is trees, shrubs or perennials or all of the above, some particular soil additives and a few expert tips can really make a difference when it comes to helping...

Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris

We see why the Bearded Iris is Tennessee's official state flower and now is the ideal time to plant the gorgeous bearded Iris to give it plenty of time to settle in before winter. These stately beauties will add elegance to your landscape for years to come, so plant...

A Crape Myrtle

A Crape Myrtle

Isn't it amazing that those gorgeous Crape Myrtles around town are STILL holding on to their fabulous color?! They'll continue to do so into autumn! No wonder they are one of the most popular trees/shrubs in our area.  They thrive here!  Your only problem with them...

Create Container Gardens for Hot, Late Summer

Create Container Gardens for Hot, Late Summer

Choose from our greenhouse full of fresh heat-loving annuals to create gorgeous container gardens for your porch, patio, deck - everywhere and anywhere!  Here's how to make the perfect late summer container of color to bloom at least another 8 weeks!  Use these same...

Look Out for Brown Patch

Look Out for Brown Patch

Brown Patch, a common lawn disease caused by a fungus,  and it thrives in hot weather. It begins as an irregularly shaped spot of brown grass that soon enlarges into a big dead patch.  And who wants THAT in their yard?  Yech!  Here's how to treat...

Harvest Time

Harvest Time

Pick summer veggies on a regular basis. Beans, squash, okra, and others grow tough and/or bitter if left on the plant too long.  Prime picking time is first thing in the morning. Read more about harvesting summer vegetables... Picking snap beans is a two-handed job -...

Summer Color Selections in the Landscape

Summer Color Selections in the Landscape

Beautiful summer color goes beyond just summer flowers. You can incorporate summer blooming shrubs for beautiful color year after year. Check out some of these great choices for long time summer color in the landscape. Roses: Landscape roses have surged in popularity...

July Vegetables

July Vegetables

Plenty of yummy easy vegetables can be planted this month including lettuce!  See what else you should plant now... Some of the most popular veggies for July planting include bush beans - they germinate quickly in warm soil and will produce heavily in late...

Avoid Mid-Summer Dry Out

Avoid Mid-Summer Dry Out

During the heat of the summer, it can be tough to keep up with container gardens. They dry out faster than flowers planted in the soil, and nothing will spoil the beauty of hanging basket of flowers or a porch container than drying out! Pick up one our simple...

Crape Care for July

Crape Care for July

The Crape Myrtle is a traditional and gorgeous highlight of any Southern landscape. Now available in more colors and styles than every before, here are a few easy tips to help your crapes thrive despite the summer heat! If you haven't yet fertilized your Crapes for...

Summer Time “Did You Knows”

Summer Time “Did You Knows”

Did you know? If you apply a slow-release fertilizer to soil around plants in mid-July, it will spur growth and flower formation?  A great one is our Evergreen of Johnson City Professional Nursery Special 12-6-6.Did you know? Removing spent blooms from roses and...

A Full Supply of Summer Annuals

A Full Supply of Summer Annuals

Haven't planted your summer annuals yet?  Evergreen of Johnson City is just about the ONLY garden center that offers a new crops of fresh summer annuals all month!  Local gardeners like us know that annuals in our area can last all the way to November in many cases,...

A Loooong Laaaawn Summer

A Loooong Laaaawn Summer

As heat settles in for the summer, here are some special tips from our lawn care experts to keep your lawn grass healthy and green! Don't water the lawn at night - do it in the morning!  Watering at night allows it sit on the grass for several hours, before the sun...

You’re In the South! Say To-MAY-to!

You’re In the South! Say To-MAY-to!

Nobody appreciates a great tomato like we Southerners do, and nobody GROWS a great tomato like Evergreen of Johnson City customers.  We have hundreds of plants, dozens of different kinds, and the strongest healthiest tomato plants everywhere.  Plus great prices to...

Be a Watering Wizard

Be a Watering Wizard

Being a wiz at watering is a matter of know what to water, what to NOT water, when to water and how much.  June it is especially important to get watering right, for your plants, flowers and vegetables to enjoy a long healthy summer! Dry spells are inevitable during...

Above Ground Water Gardens

Above Ground Water Gardens

Don't be intimidated by the idea of adding a water garden to your landscape!  Even if you don't have much room, you can still enjoy the simple pleasures a water garden adds to your surroundings with an above-ground garden or a small in-ground water garden that does...

Summer Succulents

Summer Succulents

Mid-Summer is perfect for gardening, but some of us (Weather Wimps) can't bear the heat and like to turn our attention to bringing plants and color into our homes!  Trendy Succulents are the perfect plant for forgetful gardeners.  Or brown-thumb gardeners.  Or...

Myrtle Magic

Myrtle Magic

Nothing shouts Southern Color like our glorious Crape Myrtles!  At Evergreen of Johnson City, we specialize in Crapes (among a whole lot of other things) and would love to help you choose the one that fits your landscape, your tastes, and your budget!  The variety of...