Summer Succulents

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Mid-Summer is perfect for gardening, but some of us (Weather Wimps) can’t bear the heat and like to turn our attention to bringing plants and color into our homes!  Trendy Succulents are the perfect plant for forgetful gardeners.  Or brown-thumb gardeners.  Or gardeners who are easily confused.  OR anyone who loves beautiful, unusual plants in their living space!  Their care is easy-peasy and they will brighten any corner of your home or office, as a stand-alone plant or in a gorgeous terrarium.  And the options are HUGE:

Stroll through our greenhouses and check out the succulents, and you may be surprised at the variety of colors and styles.  Oceanic blue/green shades.  The bright lime-like tones of chartreuse.  Deep almost-black hues.  Sunny yellow and royal burgundies.  Plus red, white, pink and more – now that’s a beautiful color palette!  Leaf shapes run from rounded to needle-like and from ruffled to spiky – each one more interesting than the one before!

We encourage succulent lovers to use Bonide Cactus/Succulent Food – it’s high in calcium which is extremely beneficial to them.  Also pick up our special blend of Cactus Soil to encourage great performance from your succulents!

Succulents like to be placed where they will receive direct light, and yet will adapt to lower light exposure and still thrive.  Keep in mind that bright light tends to bring out the brightest colors.  Let the soil dry out between waterings and make sure the container they are in provides good drainage.  BTW, there is nothing wrong with letting them enjoy the summer sun outside on the porch or patio, just be sure to bring them indoors before the temps start to cool.

Often the names of succulents are as diverse and interesting as the plants themselves:  Mother-In-Law Tongue,  Wax Plant,  Jade,  Crown of Thorns,  Aloe,  Zebra Plant,  Hens ‘N Chicks,  Prickly Pear.   (Prickly Pear, unlike the others, is actually completely winter hardy and can be planted in the ground and left out all winter – just make sure the soil is very sandy and well drained.) Don’t the names make you want to come take a look?  Do it!  Visit today and ask any of our folks to point you to the succulents!

DESIGN NOTE:  Look for the special single-container groupings of succulents that our greenhouse gurus have created for you.  No need to just admire them in the pages of Southern Homes or House Beautiful – now YOUR Southern home can be the epitome of beauty!

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