You're not just planting a new tree or shrub, you know. You're adding to your landscape family of beauty! Okay, okay, we get carried away sometimes, but we LOVE our trees and shrubs and get excited when we adopt them out to families like yours! When you are planting...
Feed the Masses
Everything in your landscape and gardens is waking up this month, sensing that Spring is just around the corner. And just like you and me, everything is waking up hungry! With generations of experience in the unique growing atmosphere of East Tennessee, our team here...
Ooh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful…
That's right - as is the norm around here, February and even March are no strangers to hard freezes and frosty weather. So keeping a few supplies on hand to help your plants and flowers fend off the cold is pretty smart. We have lots of ways to provide that...
Panies – The Resurrection Flower!
I can't tell you how many times we've heard "My pansies were buried under 5 inches of snow, then POOF! The next week they're blooming again!" You just can't keep a good pansy down! And luckily, they are no where NEAR the end of their blooming time - plus we have...
The Importance of Pre-Planning for Spring Planting
The Importance of Pre-Planning for Spring Planting – what's the big deal? In January & February, when you're not planting, you should be planning! Take measurements, study photographs, browse through magazines and on-line for pictures. In winter your landscape...
Planting Like a Pro
There are certain specific steps our experts here at EJC take to ensure a successful planting! Whether it is trees, shrubs or perennials or all of the above, some particular soil additives and a few expert tips can really make a difference when it comes to helping...
Plant Your Own Vegetable Bar
You can still plant cool-hardy veggies like spinach, lettuce, onions, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, garlic, asparagus, potatoes, strawberries and lots, lots more. And now that our frost-free date has passed, you can plant more tender veggies like tomatoes, peppers,...
Herbs to Compliment Any Garden
The beauty, the aroma, even the taste of savory HERBS can be added to any existing garden - don't feel like they need a big space all their own! Pop a few herbs into the ground next to almost any flower or plant in your garden - or between veggies - and you'll be...
Fabulous Roses for a Lifetime of Color
Evergreen’s large shipment of 3 gallon sized roses have now arrived. The popular Hybrid Tea, Floribunda, Grandiflora, Climbing and other types of shrub roses are all now here. Choose early while supplies and a strong selection is available. Easy-Care Knock Out Roses...
Snip! Snip! Snip! Time for Some Pruning
Pruning is one of the most important steps in maintaining not only the size of a particular tree, shrub, or groundcover, but also its general appearance, health, and performance. Remember you can call or come by any time to talk to our pros about you should prune...
Time to Feed the Masses
If you have not yet fed the trees and shrubs in your landscape, do so now if you want to see some great growth this spring! Here are our suggestions for which ones to feed and what to feed them. Often fertilizing is associated with making something grow faster but it...
Astonishing Azaleas
Last month we encouraged you to add Forsythia and Azalea to your spring landscape pallet of colors. By popular demand, now we are focusing on the azalea alone and the amazing color show it will present in your landscape for decades to come! Nothing puts on a more...
Can’t Bear the Bare Spots?
No problem! This is lawn care month, and that means filling in the bare spots, fertilizing, treating for weeds and lots more! Let's start with the RIGHT way to mow in the spring! Time it so that you are only removing about one third of the total blade growth each...
Your Backyard Salad Bar
(Or front yard, for that matter) This month, you can safely plant the ingredients for a delicious, healthy salad right in your own yard - or container! Not only is it fun and rewarding, but it's a lot cheaper than buying everything at the grocery too! Lettuce -...
Stop Weeds Before They Start
A Pre-Emergent applied now will stop weeds like crabgrass and goosegrass before they take hold in your lawn grass! Let's talk about what to use and how to use it... Our top picks for pre-emergent weed killers include Hi-Yield Weed and Grass Stopper, which designed...
Strawberry Fields Forever
Late March is the ideal time for planting strawberries for a sweet juicy harvest! Strawberries should be planted late this month to give them time to become well established before summer sets in. Keep in mind they need full sun in order to thrive, and do especially...
Put Out Annuals for Transitional Color
While you're waiting for your spring blooming perennials, go ahead and deliver a shot of color to your landscape with cold hardy annuals. Even though all of these are cold hardy, keep a sheet or frost blanket on hand to cover them, just in case the temps fall below 20...
Plant Summer Blooming Perennials
Why not plant some colorful summer blooming perennials to put on a show for you, this year and for years to come?! Here are some favorites you'll find in the Evergreen of Johnson City greenhouses right now. (When you plant, add some Fertilome Rooting & Blooming...
The Parade of Veggies Starts Now
Cold weather veggie plants are ready to go in the ground (or container) right now. It's their nature to not only withstand the cold, but become even tastier due to it! Find out which veggies you can and should plant today, whether you're putting a few in a container...
Forsythias and Azaleas Bring Vibrant Color to March
If you have not already added these early spring color explosions to your landscape, do it now! For years to come, you'll be grateful that you did as they chase away any leftover winter grays with vibrant yellow, pinks and reds! Forsythia are extremely fast-growing -...
Tropical Plants for Tropical Flair
Around your deck, on the porch, or incorporated into your landscape, Tropical Plants add a fabulous island flavor to their surroundings. The Evergreen of Johnson Greenhouses are ready to help bring the tropics to YOUR home and make you feel as though you're on...
Growing Great Tomatoes
Our veggie experts have come up with some basic tips for growing great tomatoes, whether you are growing one or two plants in containers or a whole garden full, and whether you are growing tiny "Tommy Toe" tomatoes or big beefsteaks! (Be sure to wait until after our...