Evergreen of Johnson City

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February Lawn Tips

February Lawn Tips

In February, we recommend you test your soil pH to determine if lime is needed and if so, how much.  We have easy, affordable tests available for do-it-yourselfers. Remember, too, that the end of February marks the beginning of grass sowing time!  You can sow your...



Lawn Care – How can I hit the ground running when it comes to getting a great lawn this year? The key to a beautiful lawn can be summed up in two words “Planning” and “Patience”. One you have a handle on these two things, anything is possible INCLUDING a lovely green...

Orchids: Are They as Hard to Grow as They Seem?

Orchids: Are They as Hard to Grow as They Seem?

Orchids – Are they as hard to grow as they seem? The answer is both Yes and No. Yes, many varieties of orchids can be really tricky to grow successfully. But No, there is one stunning variety that IS easy to grow and will blow you away with its exotic colors and...

Why Consider Raised Bed Gardening?

Why Consider Raised Bed Gardening?

I'm Considering Raised Bed Gardening This Year – Why is it so popular? Good question! Whether you grow flowers or vegetables, people are totally into raised beds for a variety of reasons. Start thinking about it now and do some research on purchasing one of the...

Keeping Birds Fed Through the Winter

Keeping Birds Fed Through the Winter

Here Birdie, Birdie Too cold to go bird-watching?  Of course it is!  So why not watch the colorful musical show from inside your home instead! Snuggle up in a warm blanket, park a cozy chair in front of the window, and sip some hot chocolate while you watch the birds...

Air Quality Houseplants

Air Quality Houseplants

“Air Quality” Houseplants – do they really make a difference? Certain houseplants really can make a difference in the quality of the air you breathe in a home or office. And since this time of year, we spend so much more time indoors, it's especially nice to have an...

Gifting: Houseplants

Gifting: Houseplants

No matter how big or small their home, there is a perfect spot in EVERY home for a houseplant, as long as it's the right one! We have hundreds to choose from and a friendly staff who will help you choose the right one for almost ANY growing condition! Lots of folks...

Gifting: Trees & Shrubs

Gifting: Trees & Shrubs

Not only are you giving a living gift of beauty that will be enjoyed for decades (even generations!) to come, a tree or shrub is a gift that will actually increase the value of the home where it will reside! Our Suggestions on how to gift it: If the recipient is a...

Gifting: Herbs

Gifting: Herbs

This is a great gift for anyone who enjoys cooking, crafting, dabbling with medicinal herbs, whatever!  And the inexpensive price tag on most herbs is a real plus for the giver.  Here are some of our favorite ways to present this present (so to...

Gifting: Perennials

Gifting: Perennials

We have a perennial for every garden, every landscape, every color preference, and even every personality (that's right, we said "Personality"!) that exists!  First of all remember that it is perfectly safe to plant most perennials in the winter.  As...

Gifting: From the Store

Gifting: From the Store

What a wonderful treat to give a gift that enhances the surroundings of someone's home!  For the deck, the patio or veranda, the front porch, the garden - we have a store FULL  of super ideas.  Plus wait 'til you see all the great gift...

Water Garden Winterization

Water Garden Winterization

If you have not already taken these few steps to winterize your water garden, do it now!  Don't risk possible damage to plants and to the structure itself by putting this off: Remove all floating aquatic water Hyacinths and lettuce.Cut back marginal aquatic...

Winter Flowers for a Winter Garden

Winter Flowers for a Winter Garden

Look for specific perennials and shrubs you can plant today that will reward you with their pretty blooms while winter still lingers.  They are the perfect winter pick-me-ups for the garden or containers! Heather - When most plants are hibernating, you can count...

Open for Business – Get the Words to the Birds

Open for Business – Get the Words to the Birds

 Opening your landscape to the birds for the season brings so many wonderful rewards - a musical background from their beautiful song, a colorful respite of blues and reds from the often-gray days of winter, and the good feeling you'll get inside knowing you're...

Discover Delightful Deciduous

Discover Delightful Deciduous

Deciduous trees and shrubs are more than just a gorgeous addition to your landscape.  They play an important role in our whole ecosystem! So what exactly IS a deciduous tree or shrub?   Deciduous trees are basically giant flowering plants....

Your Gift Shopping Haven

Your Gift Shopping Haven

Gift-giving is not just a hallmark of the season - in its truest form, gift-giving is an expression of love and friendship.   Like the old saying goes "It's the thought that counts".  Which is why so many people throughout the holiday season are...

November Gardening Calendar

November Gardening Calendar

(Note: Some tasks from last month can carry over into this month due to the closeness in the season. If you have already performed any of these tasks, enjoy the feeling of having that task complete!) LAWNS Apply step 4 Fertilome Winterizer. Click here for a link to...

October Gardening Calendar

October Gardening Calendar

(Note: Some tasks from last month can carry over into this month due to the closeness in the season. If you have already performed any of these tasks, enjoy the feeling of having that task complete!) LAWNS Apply step 3 Fertilome lawn fertilizer with weed preventer....

Getting Garden Beds Ready for Winter

Getting Garden Beds Ready for Winter

Take a few easy steps now toward tucking in the beds for winter, and you'll find planting so much easier next spring!  Here are a few simple steps from our Garden Pros! Make use of those fallen leaves!  You can rake them up and throw them in the compost pile or...

The Most Colorful Time of Year

The Most Colorful Time of Year

Fall rivals all other seasons when it comes to bringing outstanding color to your landscape!  Planted in containers spread around your porch or deck, or planted in the ground, this festival of color provided by just a few plants will make YOUR yard the pride of...