Click here to read about fertilizing non-bloomers such as evergreen trees & shrubs. Just like you respond to a healthy diet and vitamins, your flowers will respond to a good fertilizer now that they are awake and growing! Perennials and annuals and blooming...
Ready for Roses
Rose lovers, take note: It's time to select and prep your roses for a glorious blooming season! (What a great Mothers' Day gift!) Here are our expert's tips for planting and caring for roses of all kinds, and a taste of some of the gorgeous varieties we have...
Early Efforts Equal Fewer Weeds
Weeds are on the warpath now, getting ready to haunt your gardens and bedevil your landscape! Argh! In earlier newsletters we discussed the use of pre-emergent herbicides to avoid this onslaught. There is still time to use them for 2-3 months of pre-emergent...
Perennials for Lasting Color
If you love color, variety AND value (and who doesn't?!), then perennials are for you! Whether used as a groundcover, a lovely foliage plant for a shady area, a vibrant accent plant in the landscape or a whole garden of perennials of different colors and heights, the...
Time to Mow
Mowing the right way means less stress to your lawn grass and better control of weeds, which in turns leads to a lovely green carpet of grass surrounding your home. You might be surprised that some basic lawn mowing habits that some folks have been doing for years...
Waking Up Your Water Garden
Time to wake up that sleepy water garden from its winter nap and get it ready for another season full of the beauty and serenity water gardens are famous for! Where should you start? Glad you asked! Remove any nets that you put on your water garden surface to...
Flowers for Cool Weather Color
Annuals from Evergreen of Johnson City are an amazing source of beautiful color for your March and April (and early May) landscape! They are as affordable as they are pretty so you can stock up and scatter them about in containers, in garden beds and in hanging...
Vegetables for March Planting
They call them cool-weather vegetables not just because they thrive in cooler temps, but also because the cold weather actually makes them sweeter! Plenty of vegetables fall into this category and we have them in a big selection of strong healthy plants! Whether...
Astounding Azaleas
It’s a name as lush and exotic as the shrub itself. Long a staple in southern landscapes, the must-have Azalea – with a big variety of crazy gorgeous colors and lovely dark foliage – is a welcome sight every March, happily chasing away the often somber hues of...
Vegetables: From Seeding to Feeding
Taking Veggies From Seeding to Feeding! Growing vegetables from seeds can be a cost-effective and rewarding experience, in addition to allowing you complete control over your veggies from seed to dinner plate! If this is the first time you have started a vegetable...
Dreaming for Spring
Walk around outside, free your imagination, and start dreaming about changes and additions you’d like to make in your landscape next season. This is the perfect time while the yard is mostly bare to take a good look and start mentally picturing what you’d like to...
Cool Season Weeds
OUT-SMARTING THE TRICKIEST WEEDS IN THE YARD! There is a particularly tricky variety of weeds known as Cool Season Weeds that actually germinate during winter! That's right - while we think of weed control mainly in the spring and summer months, these sneaky weeds...
Success with Annual Flowers Using Proper Soil Preparation
Planting annuals can be costly if you don’t get the desired results. Our experience has been that success with annuals has a lot to do with picking the right location in regard to light exposure, as well as soil preparation. Certainly one could easily agree that...
Who Needs Weeds? Not our Gardens!
Remember that weeds in your garden - whether it is a flower garden or vegetable bed - compete with the plants for both water and nutrients. It's another great reason to eliminate them. And of course, we have a number of affordable, super-effective products to help...
Preparing Spring Flower Beds
The average "frost free" weekend is quickly approaching! Prepare flower beds for summer annuals so they're ready when you are! Add some Daddy Pete's Cow Manure to the soil - it's a terrific additive, affordable and always yields great results. lus, be sure to have...
Spring & Summer Bulbs
It's likely most of your beautiful spring bulbs have lost their flowers so now is the time to deadhead spent blooms from bulb flowers like tulips, daffodils and hyacinths, but don't remove the foliage yet. Wait until it has either yellowed or will pull off easily...
Plant Your Own Vegetable Bar
Plant Your Own Vegetable Bar You can still plant cool-hardy veggies like spinach, lettuce, onions, cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, garlic, asparagus, potatoes, strawberries, brocollini - a healthy superfood cross between asparagus and broccoli - and lots, lots more....
Spring: A Great Time to Kickstart Your Roses
Spring brings plenty of changes to landscaping, beginning with eye-catching flowers of all types and colors that begin coming alive in April. Regardless of the type of classification of roses you might be growing, April is the perfect time to begin preparing your...
The Lenton Rose is a Great Winter/Spring Flower
Commonly referred to as winter roses, Lenton Roses are bright perennial plants that are extremely hardy and popular due to the fact that they can withstand temperatures from 20 degrees to 30 degrees below zero. Yes, that’s right, they’ll stick around even with snow...
Spring Cleaning: Part 1
Even if the weather doesn’t quite always seem spring-like in early March, it’s as if we can feel spring coming deep inside. Of course, for the most part we have had quite the warm winter so many of you are probably already itching to get your hands in the dirt. Now...
What Vegetables Should You Plant In March?
Think it’s too early to start working on your spring garden? It’s definitely not because March is the perfect time to get those cool weather veggies that can handle cool, early spring weather in the ground. It’s also a great time to sow a variety of seeds indoors so...
Planting Bulbs for Spring
The long, hot summer has finally ended and fall has moved in. The leaves are changing on the trees, mornings, in particular, are crisp and cool, and those of us who are into planting bulbs can’t get them in the ground soon enough. The perfect time to plant bulbs for...