Vegetables for March Planting

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They call them cool-weather vegetables not just because they thrive in cooler temps, but also because the cold weather actually makes them sweeter! Plenty of vegetables fall into this category and we have them in a big selection of strong healthy plants! Whether in-ground or in containers, plant these today:

PLANTING TIP:  Vegetables planted now need to grow fast and furious to provide yields before it starts getting warm. A high nitrogen fertilizer like Professional Nursery Special 12-6-6 is perfect for this.  Just apply a light sprinkle since it’s strong and repeat every 2-3 weeks through April.

*Broccoli – Tasty, packed with nutrients and easy to grow.

*Cabbage – Our selection includes local favorites Early Jersey Wakefield and Flat Dutch.

*Carrots – Both long- and short-rooted varieties are available.  Popular short-root carrots include Little Fingers and Red Cored Chantenay.

*Lettuce – If you plant them in a shady spot, you can continue to harvest them through summer.

*Peas – Pretty and sweet, our favorites include early spring favorite super sweet Alaska Sweet and Sugar Snaps that you eat, hull and all!

*Radish – A fast grower, try planting a round-root radish variety in containers.  Favorites from May include Cherry Belle and White Tip.

*Swiss Chard – The prettiest vegetable you can grow!  The yummy leaves taste similar to spinach, but the impression it will make on your dinner plate.

*Spinach – A super-food that’s packed with nutrients, it is easy to grow, too.  Top pick for generations has been – and still is – Bloomsdale’s Tried & True.

Other pre-spring planting options include onion, asparagus, potato, shallots, garlic too!  And of course, you will not find a better selection and better prices on all your vegetables than here in our garden centers!

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