The Most Important Lawn Care Step of the Year

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EJC recommends 4 steps to a thriving lawn full of healthy grass! (read about them all here)Fall is when you can perform a single step that can make all the difference in the appearance of your lawn!  That’s it – one easy step!  Now granted, Evergreen of Johnson City’s 4-Step Lawn Care Program is simple and affordable and will result in the lawn of your dreams but if you only perform a single step, this is the one to take and now is season is the time to do it!

This essential fall treatment should be performed later this month once the weather is cool and moist. Fertilome Step 3 Lawn Food Plus Crabgrass and Weed Preventer contains not only lawn fertilizer but also a weed preventer.  Many lawn weeds actually germinate in the fall so this is the perfect time to address them. (Please note: if you are seeding/overseeding your lawn this Fall, do not apply any fertilizers with weed preventers. They will prevent your grass seed from germinating.)

Having your soil tested is also ideally done in the fall and we can help.  We have inexpensive soil tests you can purchase here at EJC.  We also provide for no charge instructions on how to gather the soil and free shipping boxes, if you choose to send it to the UT Extension office for testing.  A soil test will determine the pH balance, which in turn determines how much (if any) lime your soil will benefit from.  It will also reveal the nutrient levels of phosphorus and potassium in your lawn – two things essential for healthy grass growth.  When these nutrients are added in the proper amounts, they can truly help create a lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood!

One more word about lawn care, and that word is “seeding”.  Grass seed should be planted in October but THIS month is when you prep your lawn for the seed with Fertilome Classic Lawn Food. Be sure to choose a lawn food like this one that does not contain weed preventers, since that will kill not only weed seeds, but grass seeds too. 

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