Evergreen of Johnson City

Bulbs for Spring 2021 – Get ‘Em While You Can!

Bulbs for Spring 2021 – Get ‘Em While You Can!

Hold off on planting your spring bulbs until almost Thanksgiving, when danger of any early growth from warm spells has mostly passed.  But DO stock up on your favorites this month, and the sooner the better.  They tend to disappear fast and by planting time, you may...

Planting and Growing Herbs in the Fall & Winter

Planting and Growing Herbs in the Fall & Winter

We have the best selection of herbs in the area and can't wait to show them off to you!  Come pick up your favorites - whether you're growing them indoors or out, we have everything you need (and we do mean EVERYTHING) to successfully grow herbs for cooking, for...

Time to Bring Tropicals Indoors

Time to Bring Tropicals Indoors

Bringing sensitive outdoor plants like tropicals indoors for the season successfully is a simple 2-step process. First spray them first for insects and/or eggs that are looking to hitch a ride indoors!  We recommend using  Natural Guard Neem Insect Spray to get rid of...

Glorious Grass, Glorious Lawn

Glorious Grass, Glorious Lawn

This is the month to make it happen.  Even if you don't do any other lawn care the rest of the year, the few steps you take in October will give you beautiful results!  Simple things like removing fallen leaves and debris will help since your grass can not grow if the...

Poppin’ Color with Shrubs & Trees

Poppin’ Color with Shrubs & Trees

Nothing revitalizes the spirit like a POP of color - especially when it is waiting for you in your yard, when you pull up after a long day.  That POP can put a smile on your face every time!  At Evergreen of Johnson city, we have 3 very special trees and shrubs that...

Add Flavor to Your Life and Your Cooking with Herbs

Add Flavor to Your Life and Your Cooking with Herbs

Herbs are more popular than ever as more and more folks turn their attention to self-sustenance.  There are centuries old medicinal herbs and cooking herbs to spice up almost any entree or side dish you can imagine!  We're please to tell you that our selection of...

Forever Plants A.K.A PERENNIALS

Forever Plants A.K.A PERENNIALS

Plant it, and done!  Sit back and enjoy years and years of gorgeous blooms and fascinating foliage - what a payoff for very little effort!  Here at Evergreen of Johnson City we have thousands of perennial plants to choose from and a special group of favorites has been...

Cool Cactus & Sweet Succulents

Cool Cactus & Sweet Succulents

Cactus and succulents are really enjoying their day in the sun, so to speak!  Seems like they gain new fans every day and we're keeping up with the demand here at EJC.  Come make your selections from hundreds of possibilities! Any large shallow pot can be an excellent...

Talkin’ Tropics

Talkin’ Tropics

Never in the history of Evergreen of Johnson City have we had a selection THIS BIG of tropical plants!  So big, in fact, we had to open a new greenhouse just to house them!  Each one is strong and healthy and ready to take home today and bring a touch of the tropics...

Summer Watering – Trees & Shrubs

Summer Watering – Trees & Shrubs

As summer temperatures set in, it is important to remember to provide adequate water to any trees and shrubs still in their first two growing seasons. New plantings at this time of year should be watered as follows: Deeply water at planting For the first two weeks,...

Second Harvest, Second Chance

Second Harvest, Second Chance

The great news is that you can still plant vegetables in Late August or September through November!  If you missed out on spring planting entirely, now is your second chance to reap some yummy vegetable harvests this year. Before planting your Fall crops, refresh the...

Puuuuurfectly Safe Houseplants

Puuuuurfectly Safe Houseplants

We love our plants - they add life and beauty to a home like nothing else! But we also love our pets.  They, too, add life and beauty to a home, plus they are a lot more fun to play with than a plant! Fortunately you don't have to choose one or the other for your...

Squirrels & Bird Food

Squirrels & Bird Food

Do squirrels keep eating the bird seed you put out for the birds? These cute but pesky little guys can really put a dent in your bird food supply! Try using bird food that contains ingredients that birds cannot detect but squirrels can - and they hate it! We offer...

Birdbaths in Winter

Birdbaths in Winter

Q: I keep having to break the ice on my birdbath.  When I forget, I'm afraid they'll go thirsty.  Any ideas? Absolutely!  We're glad you asked because it gives us a chance to remind ALL of our friends to smash up that ice frequently.  That water is a necessity and...

Pet Friendly Houseplants

Pet Friendly Houseplants

Here's a list of some (but not all) of our most popular houseplants that are harmless to pets (both cats and most dogs, too).  For the plant's safety, it's best to place someone where that is inaccessible to felines but that is sometimes hard to do since cats are...

February Planting

February Planting

Q: I'm tempted to plant some young trees since the ground is pretty soft due to rains and to the occasional warming spells we've had this winter.  Is it too early?  I don't want them to be killed by any late freezes still to come. You are wise to get a jump...