Spice Your Food & Keep the Vampires Away

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You probably guessed we’re talking about garlic – the wonder herb! So much flavor, so easy to grow, so limitless as to when it can be planted and how it can be used! Never grown garlic before? Now is as good a time as any to get started, and you’ve come to the right place for the best garlic growing advice.

While garlic bulbs can indeed be planted almost any time, fall planting is best – you’ll find that when you harvest next summer, the bulbs will be bigger and more flavorful. Plant it early this month, before any real danger of frost. Break apart cloves from the bulb a day or two before you plant, but keep that papery husk on each one.

Plant in an area where they will get lots of sunshine, whether you plant them in-ground or in containers. Add lots of organic material to the soil like our composted Daddy Pete’s Cow Manure – they really thrive in very well-drained soil. Plant the cloves a couple inches deep with the pointed side facing up. Sprouts will appear in the spring and you can harvest them next summer.

Since Garlic is a natural pest repellent, they have very few problems with garden pests and with disease, too.  Tasty, low maintenance, & easy to grow!

(We don’t recommend planting bulbs from the grocery store – those have been treated to give them a longer shelf life, which also makes them harder to grow. We have a good selection of them here at EJC at terrific low prices! )

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