It’s that most glorious time of the year, when summer fades into the calendar and fall come bursting forth with all those amazing gold, dark red and orange colors.Is there anything better than those first mornings of autumn when the air is cool, crisp and ripe with the scent of falling leaves? It doesn’t get much better… especially when you add mums and pumpkins to the equation.Certainly we miss the summer flowers but when it comes to the chrysanthemum, few flowers compare. The mum, as it is most often called, offers up all sorts of flower shapes and an array of spectacular colors and blooms, making it difficult to top. The blooms last for weeks and each plant produces an amazing number of flowers. Yep, the mum is definitely tough to beat.Because they can cover a lot of ground, mums are perfect if you’re looking to fill a large area. You can always go nuts and plant as many colors as possible but for the best look you might want to stick with just a couple and in particular choose colors that go well with the rest of your landscape.If you’re a mum lover, you might also want to decorate with fall’s other staple, the pumpkin (yellow, white and bronze mums go great with pumpkins). Decorative pumpkins are one of the most popular crops in the country as many people choose to enhance their landscaping with them. They come in all shapes and sizes – big, fat, round ones or even miniature versions – and there are several colors, including the traditional orange, the cream colored ones and the speckled orange pumpkins.You can even use a pumpkin as a planter for your mums, something that has become increasingly popular. A little carving, potting soil and the right size pumpkin and you’ve got a beautiful combination of two of fall’s most beautiful offerings!Also available are many varieties of gourds and squash that are also decorative and colorful and add that sense of fall color and harvest décor. Ornamental grasses & fall ornamental veggies, straw bales, fodder stalks, and more are among the items that can be couples with mums & pumpkins for interested and eye catching fall decoration.

Whatever You Do, Don’t “Leaf” Your Lawn Alone!
Why? Because leaving leaves scattered over your lawn can be devastating for your lawn grass! Fall offers so many great opportunities to improve your lawn - especially since our area features "cool season" grasses, like fescus, rye and bluegrass. Applying fertilizer...