Summer Time “Did You Knows”

Home » Blog » Summer » Summer Time “Did You Knows”
  • Did you know? If you apply a slow-release fertilizer to soil around plants in mid-July, it will spur growth and flower formation?  A great one is our Evergreen of Johnson City Professional Nursery Special 12-6-6.
  • Did you know? Removing spent blooms from roses and pruning their canes will encourage growth and flower formation?  It will also promote fall flowering! You should also be fertilizing roses monthly (through August) with Fertilome Rose Food
  • Did you know? You should start planning your fall harvest and plant seeds for pumpkins, squash, okra and other autumnal vegetables this month.
  • Did you know? That you should cut roses and other flowers for bouquets, you should do it in early morning when temps are cooler? The flowers will last longer after being cut!
  • Did you know? That if your geraniums are looking a little spent, if you cut them back and add a little half strength 20-20-20 water soluble solution. Since geraniums are not “heavy feeders”, just a mild dose will spur on more late summer blooms!
  • Did you know? Most herbs freeze wonderfully? If you harvest them now, you can freeze them for later use.
  • Did you know? You can still plant many flower bulbs like gladioli this month for a late summer blooming?
  • Did you know? Adding a weekly liquid feed to your border flowers will keep them looking full and lush throughout the season? Our professionals use Fertilome Gardener’s Special. Just sprinkle it around your flowers and water it in. It is packed full of “trace nutrients” which is what makes it work so well!
  • Did you know? Frequently picking high producing vegetables like zucchini, squash and cucumbers is best. When they get too big, they lose flavor!
  • Did you know? You should pull up summer weeds now and apply some fresh mulch to inhibit new growth.

Need more tips for summer? Check out our July Gardening Calendar!

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