What’s New in Shrubs for 2019!

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Evergreen of Johnson City prides itself on quality products and service as well as it’s extensive line up of offering in all of it’s products. Our tree & shrub department purchases from the highest quality growers all across the United States but only those designed to perform well in our region’s climate. Growers and breeders are constantly coming up with new strains and new colors for your favorite summer flowering shrubs, and Evergreen of Johnson stays on the cutting edge by offering you these new considerations for your landscape!  Let’s taking a look at some of the exciting new offerings for 2019. Below is a listing of just a handful of our more recent new introductions now being carried here at Evergreen of Johnson City.

·        Native shrubs just recently received to include Black Native Chokeberry, New Jersey Tea Shrub, Button Bush, Calycanthus Sweet Shrub, and Native Spirea all being great for those shoppers looking to introduce some of the best native shrubs designed for our area.

·        Radiance Abelia – The latest of multiple new Abelia varieties that have been released over the last several years. Color variegated of creamy white & green adorn this semi evergreen shrub followed by white summer blossoms for that extra punch. Fall brings on a slight reddish maroon tinge to the creamy white portions of the foliage for even another hint of seasonal attraction

·        The Smoothie series of the Althea Hibiscus family provides the hardiness of the winter hardy Hibiscus adorned with it’s unique hibiscus blossoms during it’s long blooming summer period. The Smoothie series, such as Raspberry Smoothie, Strawberry Smoothie, Blueberry Smoothie, and Peppermint Smoothie provide unique heavy double ruffly blossoms. Comes check out these beauties to make them a part of your landscape.

·        The Zmatlik Arborvitae is a cultivar similar to the more common Emerald Green Arborvitae but with a textured and more narrow habit of growth great for those locations where a narrow growing evergreen is sought out. This Iseli Nursery cultivar is becoming popular in our industry.

·        Reblooming Azaleas have become popular in the landscapes with the commonly distributed Encore Azaleas. However, our take on the Encore is that they are just a bit sensitive to our winter chill here in East TN so we’re carrying a hardier series of Reblooming Azaleas from Greenleaf Nursery that provides the awesome spring blossom display along with a follow up of blossoms later in the fall season. A great way to add a bit more color to the landscape and extend the color into the fall season. Varieties such as White Nobility, Bloom-A-Thon Double Pink, Red Magnificent, Purple Spectacular, and others are now available for your selection.

·        Golden Ruby Barberry – this new small mounding shaped barberry provides the reddish colored foliage that commonly recognized in barberry but Golden Ruby is also adorned with yellow to cream like edges on the red foliage providing a unqieu multi color appearance for color and contrast in the garden.

·        Dwarf Berry Shrubs are great for gardening and growing your own berry crops, such as Blackberry, Raspberry, and Blueberries in small spaces or even in larger containers grown on the patio or deck area. Growing as compact s 2’ tall, Baby Cakes Blackberry, Raspberry Shortcake Raspberry, and some smaller growing blueberry varieties are available. Comes check these unique fruiting shrubs out.

·        The new Pugster series of Butterfly bush not only provides a unique dwarf smaller growing variety of Butterfly bush growing just 2-3’ tall with very unique blossoms in several colors. Come check out Pugster Blue, Pugster Pink, and Pugster Amethyst varieties for your garden to add summer color to your landscape.

·        Colorama Scarlet Crape Myrtle is one of the most recent releases of red flowering Crape Myrtles producing the striking red flowering blossoms combined with the aggression of the larger and fast growing Natchez Crape Myrtle. Small quantities of this new release are now available while supplies last.

·        Hydrangea are on the rise in our industry and landscapes. The old time category of  late spring to summer flowering beauties are not back in full swing making their mark in providing easy color in the landscape. Whether it be Mop Head or LaceCap style of Hydrangea or the wide selection of Panicle Hydrangea, there is certainly a wide range of selections just for you. Varieties growing 3’ tall all the way up to larger varieties growing 6-8’ tall, panicle Hydrangea are our favorites to include some new varieties such as Strawberry Shake, Candy Apple, Little Lime, Bobo, Tidal Wave, Low Tide, and more. Come check out these summer flowing beauties and make your selection.

·        The new Golden Pacific Juniper is a unqique gold foliaged juniper ground cover providing a shot of yellow conifer foliage for striking contrast and color. Similar to Blue Pacific Juniper, this new golden colored variety grows 8-12” tall by 3-4’ wide preferring full sun exposures.

·        In the line up of new tree varieties, 2 varieties of Redbud have hit the market for striking contrast to the deep maroon foliage of the Burgundy Hearts Redbud or the striking golden yellow foliage of the The Rising Sun Redbud. The easy to grow redbud varieties both provide the show of pinkish lavender flowers in the spring followed by the season long striking foliage color displays.

·        Another striking new Proven Winner release of the landscape roses has arrived being the At Last Rose. This unique sunset orange blossomed rose provides all the ease of a landscape shrub rose also combined with a sweetly perfumed fragrance and a fully petaled rose blossom. Blooming from mid spring till frost, this is a must rose for the garden also only growing to appx 3’ tall adding to it’s low care attributes.

      These are just some of the new releases that are continually being stocked and provided to the customers of Evergreen of Johnson City. Continue to check in to catch the continually arriving varieties to be the first in the know of new trees & shrub for our area.

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