Feed the Masses

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Everything in your landscape and gardens is waking up this month, sensing that Spring is just around the corner. And just like you and me, everything is waking up hungry!  With generations of experience in the unique growing atmosphere of East Tennessee, our team here at Evergreen of Johnson City has prepared a menu of products with ingredients that most effectively feed the masses, so to speak, for strong healthy long-lasting results.

Whether you are feeding landscape plants, bulbs, perennials, or trees and shrubs, you want vigorous growing and vibrant color.  The products listed here will provide that and more, though this is by no means a complete list of fertilizers we offer.  We have organic selections, specialty fertilizers for specific bloomers and a variety of other choices but these are our Go-To selections for spring feeding:

Perennials:  These include Daylily, Ice plant, Dianthus, Coneflower and lots more blooming perennials.  For strong clumps and aggressive emergence from winter dormancy, followed by awesome foliage and flowering, use Fertilome Gardener’s Special (11-15-11 analysis) to encourage lots of blooms.


Non-Blooming Trees & Shrubs:  To promote vigorous active growth and healthier growth and foliage on non-blooming trees and shrubs like (Nandina, Euonymus, Barberry, Maple & Oak trees, Leyland Cypress, etc) use Fertilome Tree & Shrub Food (19-8-10 analysis).

Rhododendron and other acid loving shrubs:  For great blooming and beautiful foliage in shrubs that require an acidic base, use Fertilome Azalea, Camelia, Rhododendron Food  (9-15-13 analysis).  Start by using just a pinch of this fertilizer this month, then follow it up once they have started to bloom with a monthly feeding through August.  (Check elsewhere in this newsletter for an article all about amazing azaleas!)

Blueberry Bushes: For bushes that are positively crowded with berries, choose EJC’s very own Blueberry Food  (12-12-12 ).  It will increase the bush’s acidity and encourage lots of growth for huge berry yields. It also works great for raspberry, blackberry and grapevines too!

Spring Flowering Bulbs: Most of your bulbs are sprouting by now – tulips, daffodils, crocus and more are popping up all over the area!  Feed them some Hy Yield Dutch Bulb Food to keep their growing vigorous and ensure replenish their nutrients and ensure that next spring’s blooms.


Have a question about fertilizing something in particular? Just give us a call at 423-282-3431!

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