August Rose Tips

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With so many newer varieties of low-care landscape roses available, more and more of you are adding them to your gardens and landscape. Want to keep your roses blooming and thriving right up until fall?  Who wouldn’t want that?!  Here are some tips from our experts to keep them producing beautiful blooms for months to come…

Landscape shrub roses, climbing roses, and traditional favorites like Hybrid Tea Roses, Grandiflora, Floribunda, or Miniature Roses – the colors and varieties are more stunning than ever before!  Now just a bit of attention will keep them blooming for weeks and weeks to come, starting with watering on a regular basis

The Essentials:  1 – A good pair of hand pruning shears to get rid of stragglers and trim away any spent blooms.  2 – Continued use of a quality rose fertilizer like Fertilome Rose Food that will encourage blooms to keep on comin’.   And 3 – Stay on top of those pesky summer pests who remain determined to feast on your roses.  Any of our pros will help you choose the right product to address whatever bugs are bugging your roses!

Speaking of our expert staff of professionals, remember we are at your beck and call with more tips and procedures to keep your roses producing month after month through the summer and fall season. Call or come by any time with your questions!

NOTE:  For some cool, interesting rose facts, go to



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