Perennials for Lasting Color

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If you love color, variety AND value (and who doesn’t?!), then perennials are for you!  Whether used as a groundcover, a lovely foliage plant for a shady area, a vibrant accent plant in the landscape or a whole garden of perennials of different colors and heights, the selection is remarkable and since they re-bloom every year, you just plant them once and enjoy them for years to come as they grow bigger and more beautiful each season

With few exceptions, most perennials need well drained soil conditions to thrive.  Without this, their hardiness in toughing out the winter is compromised, as is their ability to thrive during growing season.  In addition to soil condition, supplements can really drive your perennials toward quick development and good performance!

Two of our favorites supplements are Fertilome Gardener’s Special Fertilizer and Daddy Pete’s Composted Cow Manure.  Either of these mixed thoroughly into the soil when planting perennials – either new ones or those you have divided for transplanting – will result in a strong healthy plant.  It’s the perennial equivalent of you taking good strong vitamins and eating lots of fruits and vegetables! For an EXTRA side order of good health, use a few applications of Fertilome Root Stimulator when you are planting your perennials.  The roots will grow even stronger and faster with this booster shot!

lready blooming in our area, and ready to planted in YOUR landscape today:

Creeping Phlox – Creates a colorful spring carpet in paste colors, very easy care!

Lenten Rose – Extremely  hardy, one of the most popular spring blooming flowers!

Dianthus “Garden Pinks” – In glorious shades of pink, their spicy fragrance is lovely!

Candytuft – Great for borders, small pure white flowers grow over a dense mound of glossy green foliage.

German Bearded Iris – A popular old-fashioned showy flower with draping flowers!

Columbine – Easy to grow, small bell-shaped flowers and pretty foliage too!


Photo Credits: Monrovia Nurseries

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