Look for specific perennials and shrubs you can plant today that will reward you with their pretty blooms while winter still lingers. They are the perfect winter pick-me-ups for the garden or containers!
- Heather – When most plants are hibernating, you can count on winter heather to keep bringing color to your garden. The colorful flowers are small, but abundant, and we especially love them in containers on the front porch!
- Lenten Roses Helleborus “Lenten Rose” – are bright perennial plants that are extremely hardy, able to easily stand up to our winter temperatures. They are truly beyond beautiful!
- Witch Hazel – Even when temps drop below 0, Witch Hazel will continue to flourish. It offers pretty yellow flowers that are very fragrant and resemble dainty ribbons in the fall.
- Ornamental Cabbage & Kale – Amazing color and interesting texture make these beauties a must-have for winter color!
- Grape Hyacinths and Snowdrops – These are bulbs that you can plant now and then enjoy in the later winter months when you’re anxious for a touch of spring. These small colorful flowers will push their way right through the snow if they have to!
- Camellia – Now is an excellent time to come select blooming camellias to add to your garden or containers. If you put them in a container, make it a big one – the more soil surrounding the roots for warmth, the better. Their resemblance to roses makes them a super popular cold weather bloomer.
- Winter Pansy and Viola – Don’t overlook East TN’s classic pansies and viola for winter color. Available in a big variety of colors to mix and match, you’ll see them snap right back after a snow and keep blooming straight through next spring. Better buy them by the flat – they thrive in a crowd!