As the cold grip of winter begins to loosen, pollinators emerge in search of food. Late winter can be a challenging time for bees and other beneficial insects, as nectar and pollen sources are scarce. Adding early blooming pollinator plants to your garden ensures...
Live Greenery Workshop
Bring fresh material (berries, cones, shrub clippings, etc.) from your landscape to add to a live fresh wreath, mailbox swag, or mantle piece you purchase (with a 20% discount for all attendees) from Evergreen of Johnson City. Additional clippings will be available.
Saturday Seminars are a great way to learn more about gardening and try something new. Whether you are getting information for a new project or just want to improve your skills, these free learning seminars are a great place to start.
FREE Refreshments from The Fresh Market
FREE Door Prizes
Please RSVP to let us know you’re coming by registering online or by calling (423) 282-3431.
Topics and dates are subject to change. Please check our website or call prior to arrival.