Step under a shade tree on a hot summer East Tennessee day and the temperature immediately lowers at least ten degrees or more – what’s not to love about THAT?! In addition to being just plain beautiful and offering that welcome break from the sun, shade trees planted close to the house can help save on energy spent cooling the inside of your home, too! And shade trees planted almost anywhere in the landscape will add value to your home as well. On top of all that, outside pets and birds too will appreciate a break from the summer heat. Shade trees can grow anywhere from 15 to 60 feet tall, depending on which kind you choose. Many also bring vibrant fall color to your yard and some even offer spring or summer flowering blooms too!
Shade trees come in all shapes and sizes, and if you have a small patio or sitting area outside, a smaller ornamental shade tree may be just right for you. Positioned close by, it can provide shade and add beauty in a variety of ways – through branching, foliage, fall color, spring color or a combination of these!

Photo Credit: Monrovia Nursery
For larger areas, you can choose either a single medium or large tree or a grouping of two or more, depending on what you hope to eventually achieve in terms of shade, wind blocking, screening, etc. It is imperative that you consider what the size of the tree will be once it matures. Any of our tree experts can guide you in making the right selection among the hundreds available, from Maples to Oak trees, from Elms to Birch, Willows and many, many more. Among the most popular small to medium sized shade trees are Redbud and Cherry trees, Pear and Crabapples, Japanese Maples and Japanese Snowbells, Magnolias and the list just keeps growing and growing – no pun intended!
Whether you’re looking for valuable shade alone or a combination of shade along with other nice landscape features, Evergreen of JC has the most extensive tree selection available in the region. Come check out our options and talk to one of our horticulturalists to talk about a great selection just fit for you.