Product Highlight: Vegepods

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                   If you have little yard space, physical limitations, or a brown thumb.                                   If you are a control freak, or can never remember to water the plants,                       If you fall into ANY of these categories, you’re gonna LOVE Vegepods!

Now you can grow vegetables and herbs in a very special raised bed that we think you’ll find just about perfect!  Keeping your veggies in a separate environment away from the ground and from pests is a unquestionably a great idea – and this one is SO easy to manage!

 You don’t have to worry about forgetting to water, because Vegepods utilize a self-watering technology called a wicking system, that waters the plants from below.  Plants can literally last for weeks without watering!

 The polyethylene knitted mesh that Vegepods uses is perfect for protecting your crop from pests and from UV rays, too.  The cover allows water and air to penetrate, thus controlling the temp as well.

 No green thumb required!  Classics like cherry tomatoes, leafy greens, spinach are easy, easy, as are great herbs like mint and basil. Now if you are going to grow something with a root or large fruit, it takes a little more effort but is still totally doable.  Look for details on their web site or come by EJC today for a close up look at this wonderful new step in raised bed gardening!

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