The Lenton Rose is a Great Winter/Spring Flower

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Commonly referred to as winter roses, Lenton Roses are bright perennial plants that are extremely hardy and popular due to the fact that they can withstand temperatures from 20 degrees to 30 degrees below zero. Yes, that’s right, they’ll stick around even with snow falling all around them.

This late winter/early spring bloomer falls into the Helleborus category of flowers and consists of multiple blossom colors and styles. This leather green leaf perennial holds onto its beautiful hues from February into April, growing as high as two feet and producing flowers in lavender and white, as well as red, yellow, pink, green, plum and dark purple.

 Low maintenance and bursting with color, the Lenton Rose loves the shade, brightens up any garden and grows in clumps that can spread out as much as three feet. To get the most out of these cup-shaped flowers, here are a few planting tips:

  • Make sure you water the Lenton Rose deeply enough to saturate its roots. Don’t water again until the top of the soil is dry. Be careful not to overwater as the plant could rot in soil that never dries.
  • The Lenton Rose only needs to be fertilized once a year. Simply apply a slow-release fertilizer when new grown emerges each spring. After applying the fertilizer, water the plant and rinse away any that may have touched the plant.
  • In the fall, spread a layer about an inch deep of mulch around the plant. Pine needles and shredded bark enriches the soil, while also protecting the plants’ roots.
  • In the fall, make sure you trim any shabby foliage.
  • Lastly, new spring growth emerges in early spring during and following the blooming period. During this time, the previous year’s foliage begins to wane as it’s replaced with new growth. For keeping these tidy, one can simply prune out and remove the old foliage as it begins to loose it’s luster allowing new foliage to emerge and take its place.

Sturdy and pest-resistant, the Lenton Rose, which can survive for up to 20 years in the same spot, doesn’t need nearly the care of other roses and thrives with very little maintenance. This flower doesn’t like to be divided or transplanted so it’s best just to plant it and then let it go about its business of being a beautiful and charismatic addition to your garden during what can often be a dreary time of the year.

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