Winter is bedtime for your lawn grass so it’s time to winterize that sleepy lawn. Now that your mower has been drained of gas, nicely oiled where needed and put away for about six months (Can we get a “Yay!”?), lets get the grass ready to go through the winter unscathed. A couple easy steps is all it takes!
You’ll need just a couple inexpensive and easy-to-apply products: Fertilome Winterizer and Lime from Limelight. We have both of these on sale right now to help you get started!
The winterizer contains the perfect ingredients for the lawn as cold weather hits, including slow releasing Nitrogen and plenty of nutrients, such as Potash. The high levels of Potash will make your lawn hardier and healthier, as well as help it to retain color during the season.
As for lime, let’s just say this ain’t your Grandpa’s lime! Gone is the old hard-to-apply pellet lime, replaced with this faster-acting concentrated lime that is a breeze to put on since 1 50 lb bag will cover the same as 6 – 7 bags of the old stuff. If your grass is not growing well and/or you have a lot of lawn moss, these are signs that the lawn’s pH balance may be off. Lime will take care of that. Also if you fertilize your grass regularly (which is HIGHLY recommended), that can cause a drop in pH level too. A simple once-a-year application of lime can take care that, and a 50 pound bag of our Fast-Acting Lime will cover nearly 7,500 sq ft square feet of lawn!