Timing is everything, and for flowering shrubs and small flowering trees in particular, EARLY fall is the best time for planting! Larger, non-blooming trees and shrubs can be planted any time in the autumn, but these early months (September-October) are much better for these smaller bloomers. If planted now (early fall) they will have ample time to get established in the soil before winter sets in so you’ll enjoy a great burst of color and life come next spring.
A few favorites that are popular with local homeowners include the Crape Myrtle, the Japanese Maple, Dogwood trees and Fruit trees. Berry shrubs are also a great option, including raspberry, blackberry and lots more. The Blueberry shrub is particularly pretty – especially with its gorgeous fall leaf color – and makes a lovely container shrub.
Whichever small tree or shrub you plant, mix some standard organic matter into the soil for great growing results. We use Daddy Pete’s Cow Manure. It is a good idea to mix in some Super Phosphate too (0-18-0) as a long-lasting source of phosphorus which is critical for root growth! Top off your newly-planted tree/shrub with a layer of mulch.
Don’t forget about our One Year or Lifetime Warranty on most trees & shrubs!