Herbs to Compliment Any Garden

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The beauty, the aroma, even the taste of savory HERBS can be added to any existing garden – don’t feel like they need a big space all their own! 

Pop a few herbs into the ground next to almost any flower or plant in your garden – or between veggies – and you’ll be rewarded with a lovely addition to your growing gardens!   Lucky for you, Evergreen of Johnson City has the most diverse selection of herbs in our area, most of which are easy to grow AND most of which are very inexpensive.

You can also grow herbs by seed by sowing a few seeds every month or so from April through September.  We have small packs of herb seeds available as well as any seed starting supplies you may need.  
With herbs especially, it is crucial that you scout (inspect) the plants every few days and if some small insects like aphids are noticed, spray on some super safe insecticidal soap to kill them off without damaging your herbs.

Some herbs like basil and dill are wildly popular but are not long-term growers so plan to keep replanting them for a steady supply.  Fortunately since our herbs are priced so low, replanting occasionally is not a costly venture.  
Other herbs like rosemary, mint and lavender ARE long-term growers and will return and multiply. With an herb selection like ours, be prepared to discover herbs you may not even know exist but that you fall in love with!  So be sure to allow yourself plenty of time when it comes to picking herbs here in the EJC greenhouses. 

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