Beautiful Bountiful Herb Gardens

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We talk a lot about all the wonderful benefits of herbs – the medicinal benefits, the endless cooking advantages, even for use in arts and crafts projects.  But don’t overlook how just plain BEAUTIFUL an herb garden can be.  Let’s take a closer look at a couple of them…

ROSEMARY: Rosemary is as fragrant as it is pretty. Native to the Mediterranean area, it has fragrant needle-type leaves with sweet flowers in white, pink, purple and blue.  It is a favorite herb for cooking and a good source of essential vitamins like B6 plus iron and calcium too. And for centuries folks have lauded its medicinal/health benefits+!

SAGE:  With its soft grayish leaves and woody stems, sage has long been a favorite healing herb!  Its flowers bloom in blue and purplish hues and throughout history, Sage has been used for everything+ from treating asthma through steam inhalation, to reducing muscle tension due to an anti-spasm property, to reducing menopausal hot flashes. 

+++Herbs should only be used medicinally under the advice and supervision of your medical doctor+++


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