Bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators play an essential role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. These vital creatures ensure the reproduction of flowering plants and contribute to global food production. However, habitat loss, pesticide use, and...
Gardening for Wildlife
This 2 part seminar will give you tips on attracting and encouraging wildlife such as birds, bees, & butterflies, etc. to your landscape.
Part 1. Learn what to add beautiful trees, shrubs, & perennials to your landscape to provide food, shelter, & nesting places for wildlife such as birds, bees, butterflies.
Part 2. Special speaker will be discussing Honeybee care and safe gardening practices that will not harm Honeybees.
Saturday Seminars are a great way to learn more about gardening and try something new. Whether you are getting information for a new project or just want to improve your skills, these free learning seminars are a great place to start.
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Please RSVP to let us know you’re coming by registering online or calling us at (423) 282-3431.