Need a lawn overhaul? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Late September and the month of October are the best time of the whole year to embark on a lawn renovation. Start today by making a plan that you can implement soon as soil temps remain high, air temps being to lower, and rainfall’s provided moisture is more present. With valuable tips and advice from our experts on effective lawn renovation in East Tennessee, you can’t go wrong and we are ready to help you get your plan in place right now: Lawn renovations are common due to heat stress, soil compaction from high traffic, and from a number of stress conditions causing your lawn to lack it’s lustrous green appearance. Either heavier renovation of larger areas or ![]() TLC Grass Seed a hybrid fescue grass seed being a 99% pure fescue seed blend that has been our choice for years. Heavier or larger area renovation usually requires possible killing out of existing weeds & grasses in their ![]() If using a weed killer to kill out areas totally for a full renovation, HiYield Kill-Z-All herbicide is our recommendation as it doesn’t leave any residue preventing any restriction to reseeding. Most weed control products inhibit the ability to reseed so use caution when weeding and ![]() For smaller selective spot treatments, areas can be selectively prepped to loosen up the soil to prepare good seed-to-soil contact and once a sprinkle of Fertilome New Lawn Starter Fertilizer is applied, a light topdressing of cow manure, peat moss, or other organic soil media can be applied to stabilize the seed to not erode away to keep it uniformly moist. An easy combined single product approach for small localized areas is our unique all in one product Encap New Lawn Kit All in One Formula. Lightly prepare the soil by manually cultivating and then simply top dress this product as ![]() It’s a 1,2,3 punch – just prep, pour, and go. To finalize this topic, let’s talk about the importance of watering. Watering for strong grass germination is all about repetition as the goal is to keep the soil’s surface moist. Watering should be managed at an average of every other day (or at times every day varying on temps & rainfall) until good germination occurs. Once germinated, watering 1-2 times weekly is suggested till strong development is managed. Often gardeners just forget the later and assume that, once germinated, all is well but young fescue is very sensitive to drought and can suffer from the lack of water. |