Time once again to deck the halls with boughs of holly! And wreaths made from fresh greenery…and swags for your fireplace, and fresh boughs draping the stairs and…. well, you get the idea. Nobody loves decorating for the holidays more than we, especially using fresh cut greenery to bring the Christmas spirit to life. So not only do we offer everything mentioned here so far (and more!), but we also want to help you get the most life out of your freshly cut boughs.
*Soak your greenery in a bath of cold water for several hours before you use them. This will make them much easier to retain moisture.
*Treat with an Anti-Desiccant Spray. Anti-desiccant spray is organic and biodegradable. It adds a protective waxy coating to the needles or leaves of evergreens to slow the process of water loss. Here at Evergreen of Johnson City we offer and recommend Wilt Stop for this purpose, available in ready to use & concentrate sizes.
*Mist the evergreen branches often. Do not place any of the décor too close to burning candles or other heat or dry vent sources to avoid any chance of fire. (Also it will cause the branches to dry out more quickly.)
*If you add strings of lights, consider ones using LED lights. They stay cooler!
*Consider decorating wreaths and boughs with other fresh cut greenery from your landscape, like magnolia leaves, Holly, Cypress, Juniper, or nandina branches!
*Heat will suck the moisture out of greenery placed outdoors will last longer. And it bears mentioning again – for indoor greenery, mist mist mist!