This month our T/S Spotlight falls on two beauties you can plant today for decades of enjoyment - one with extraordinary blooms and the other a classic blue/green evergreen the whole neighborhood will envy. Exbury Azaleas: This lesser known hybrid member of the...
Trees & Shrubs
Tree & Shrub Spotlight: January
This month, our tree and shrub spotlight falls on two great choices for winter planting! By planting your tree or shrub now, it will have time to establish an underground root system so that when growing season arrives in a few months, your addition will have a...
Branches & Berries – Liven Up Your Christmas Decor
Pair up brilliant shiny green leaves with bright pops of red and what do you get? Berry producing shrubs that will bring your winter landscape to life! And let's not forget shrubs whose stems & branches shine bright green and red in the wintertime too! Our Tree...
Year End Clean-Up & Pruning Guidelines
A beautiful landscape NEXT year begins THIS year! Prepare for a gorgeous landscape in 2018 with a few clean-up and prep tasks that you can take care of right now. Getting them taken care of now means not having to worry about them next spring, when you’ll have a lot...
Pruning Knockouts & Crape Myrtles
Two of the most spectacular additions to any landscape are Knockout Roses and Crape Myrtles! Both offer fabulous color way beyond a single season each year, and both are amazingly easy to grow and tend in our area. REMINDER: This is a super planting season and...
Fall Planting of Trees
While many of us might think that spring is the perfect time to plant trees, it is well known in the landscaping industry that the fall season is prime time for planting of a large assortment of trees and shrubs. And if you follow our advice, you’ll be very happy with...
Now is the Time to Plant Trees & Shrubs
Every advantage goes to trees and shrubs that are planted in October! The first advantage is YOURS, since temps are comfortable enough that you don’t even have to break a sweat doing it. The next advantage is to the trees and shrubs themselves, since this is perfect...
Fall is for Planting
Fall is time to plant what? How about ALMOST ANYTHING?! It is widely accepted throughout the horticultural industry that Fall is the BEST time of the year to plant perennials, trees, shrubs, many herbs, & more! What is it that makes Autumn the ideal season for...
Shade Trees – Nature’s A/C
Step under a shade tree on a hot summer East Tennessee day and the temperature immediately lowers at least ten degrees or more - what's not to love about THAT?! In addition to being just plain beautiful and offering that welcome break from the sun, shade trees planted...
A Very Berry Good Idea
They taste great, they're great for your health, they're easy and affordable to grow - there is just no downside to growing your own berries! So why haven't you started yet? The EJC experts stand ready to help you with free, expert advice for successfully growing...
Hydrangeas – Stunning Summer Color
It's no wonder that Hydrangeas have become the staple of a beautiful Southern landscape! Unlike most shrubs, the hydrangea's blooming period starts in late spring and continues straight through the summer. You might not think that something this gorgeous could be...
Feeding And Pruning Azaleas And Rhododendrons
Azaleas and Rhododendrons are among the most popular flowering shrubs and are commonly used in landscapes in many regions. Their spring beauty offers blossoms of white, pink, reds, lavenders, orange and purples, providing an array of color to any landscape. Typically...
Amazing Azaleas
What is more beautiful than the lush colors of azaleas that have been blooming all over town? Plant some in your landscape today and you'll enjoy decades of their vibrant spring colors. You can choose the classic traditional azaleas that bloom in late spring or opt...
Pruning Your Fruit Trees
There are plenty of reasons to keep your fruit trees pruned, chief among them is that you want to keep them looking good and healthy but also because you want them to continue to grow and bear quality fruit. Another big reason is that pruned trees add a lot to your...
Why You Should Plant Trees and Shrubs in the Fall
In general it’s assumed that spring is the best time to do any kind of planting. It’s certainly a good time to get plants in the ground for both a vegetable or flower garden but it’s not necessarily the only time for planting trees and shrubs. Oftentimes, springtime...
Preparing Your Garden for Winter
You’ve reaped the glorious benefits of a beautiful garden – whether it’s full of vegetables or flowers – all spring and summer. Now, however, fall has arrived and it’s time to get your space ready for the cold temperatures and precipitation of winter. So, what’s so...
Planting Trees & Shrubs In September For Stronger Roots
For many, it’s been a long held myth that regardless of what you’re planting, spring is the best (and for some, the only) time you should even think about putting something in the ground. Though it will always be one of the most sought after times for planting and...
Watering Your Garden or Landscaping
Ever wonder why your plants are looking a little droopy or like they might be diseased? It could be that you’re overwatering, not watering them enough or even wetting them down at the wrong time of the day. A few tips about the best way to water your plants: Pay...
Growing Your Own Berries
Growing up in the country, there were always all sorts of berries you could pluck right off the bushes in the backyard for a quick, sweet snack. The taste was amazing and the fact that you could walk out your back door and immediately be able to enjoy a smorgasbord of...
Controlling Japanese Beetles
At first glance, Japanese beetle’s certainly don’t look all that vicious. They’re not that big and they’re even kind of pretty with their metallic green bodies and copper-colored wings. Don’t be deceived, though. These little bugs can cause all sorts of damage to...
What You Need To Know About Planting Berry Bushes and Fruit Trees
Regardless of the reasons you choose to grow your own berries & fruit, it can be a fun and rewarding adventure for any gardener and growing your own edibles is such a great way to teach children and young adults the rewards of yielding off one’s efforts applied....
Pruning Fruit Trees
If you’ve ever planted a fruit tree and then all but forgotten about it afterward, you know that scenario can turn into quite a disaster. In order for your trees to thrive, you must take proper care of them, which means they must be pruned on a regular basis. Pruning...