Some of the showiest flowers in the garden come from heat-loving summer bulbs and plants you can pop in the ground this month. Dahlias, Gladiola and lots more will turn your garden into a showplace! Here are some suggestions for creating a gorgeous summer flower garden for your consideration…
With all of these heat-loving flowers, be sure to water very thoroughly and deeply. (Read more on watering here) Then WAIT – sometimes for as long as a week – to water again. Don’t apply small amounts daily.
*Choose Coreopsis as a subtle but beautiful addition to your flower garden. Available in a variety of styles and in yellow or pink, coreopsis grows in blankets of small flowers all summer with fern-like foliage.

Coreopsis “Tickseed”
*Creating a profusion of pretty flowers, Zinnia come in colors like cherry, white, gold, orange-red and more. The blooms make a bright band of color that looks great along a path or border.

*Brown-Eyed Susans have bright yellow or orange petals, with a big brown polka dot eye in the center! These are stunning especially when grown in large numbers.

Black Eyed Susan “Rudbeckia”
*You can’t go wrong with the gorgeous hues of Purple Coneflowers! Hardy and easy to grow, they attract butterflies to your garden and come in pinkish shades as well. Cut some for your home and you’ll be amazed at how long they last in a vase!
*The star-like bloom of Asters offer big color in a dainty package. In shades of purple, pink and violet, they will grow and spread in abundance especially as the summer goes on.

*Dahlia are always a show stopper, whether you choose the giant dinner-plate size or the miniature pom-pom dahlias! The colors are vibrant just begging for a spotlight!

*The small colorful clusters of Lantana flowers will grow until frost comes, attracting butterflies all the while!

*You’ll love the bold beautiful colors of Penta and the profusion of star-shaped blooms! Plant where they can soak up lots of sunshine.

*Canna Lily offers low maintenance, easy care, and super long-lasting color for the garden.

Canna Lily
*Salvia brings aromatic foliage and tall spikes of color to your garden. Victoria Blue and MayNight are shades of blue/purple that you’ll have a hard time choosing between, so we suggest you get one of each!

Salvia “May Night”
*An ornamental plant that has been around for generations, Celosia is a gracefully feathered plant at home in ANY garden!
*Vinca is known for its glossy foliage and colorful flowers that nestle within. Those colors come in varying shades of red, pink and white, some with an “eye” of color in the center.

Vinca “Bowles”